- 1010music LLC
- 1981 Inventions
- 2HP
- 4MS Company
- 512 Audio
- Abyss Devices
- Accsoon
- Acid Rain Technology
- Acon Digital
- Ad Infinitum Music
- Adam Audio
- After Later Audio
- Aguilar
- AI Synthesis
- AKAI Professional
- Alesis
- Alexander Pedals
- Allen & Heath
- ALM - Busy Circuits
- AlphaTheta
- Alpine
- Alto Professional
- American DJ
- Analog Cases
- Angelbird
- Animal Factory Amplification
- Antares
- Antari
- Antelope Audio
- Apogee Electronics
- Apollo View Modular
- Art Pro Audio
- Arturia
- Ashun Sound Machines
- Atomos
- AtoVproject
- Audeze
- Audient
- Audio Damage
- Audio Technica
- Audio Technica Consumer
- Audiomodern
- Audix
- Augustine
- Auralex
- Austrian Audio
- Avantone
- Avid
- AVID-Audio
- AVID-Notation
- AVID-Video
- Baby Audio
- Barefoot Buttons
- Bastl Instruments
- Beetronics
- Befaco
- Behringer
- Bela
- Benidub
- Bergantino Audio Systems
- Beyerdynamic
- Bitwig
- Bjooks
- Black Corporation
- Black Lion Audio
- Bleep Labs
- Blood Cell Audio
- Blue Cat Audio
- Blukac Instruments
- Boom Library
- Boredbrain Music
- Boss
- Boz Digital
- Buchla
- Bullet Cable
- CAD Audio
- Canare
- Capsule Audio
- Caroline Guitar Company
- Catalinbread
- Chase Bliss Audio
- Chauvet
- Chauvet DJ
- Cherry Audio
- Chompi Club
- Circuit Happy
- Cloud Microphones
- Collision Devices
- Colortone Effects Pedal
- Conductive Labs
- Consumer Priority Service
- Cooper Fx
- Corsair
- Cosmotronic
- Cre8audio
- Critter & Guitari
- Crosspatch
- Crown
- Cusack
- Cutelab
- D16 Group
- Daddario
- Dandrea
- Darkglass Electronics
- Dato
- Days Of Yore
- Death By Audio
- Decksaver
- Denon
- Diamond Pedals
- Digiflex
- Digitech
- DiMarzio
- Disaster Area Design
- DivKid
- DJ.Studio
- DMI Guitar Labs
- Doepfer
- DR Scientist
- Dreadbox
- Dreamtonics
- Dunlop
- E-RM
- Earpeace
- Earthquaker
- Eastwest Communications
- Echo Fix
- Electro Harmonix
- Electrosmith
- Elektron
- Eliminator
- Elixir
- Elta Music
- Empress Effects
- Endorphin.es
- Eowave
- Erica Synths
- Ernie Ball
- Evabeat
- Eventide
- Evidence
- Expert Sleepers
- Exponential Audio
- Expressive E
- Fabfilter
- Faderfox
- Fairfield Circuitry
- Fancy Synthesis
- Feedback Modules
- Ferrofish
- FL Studio
- Flame
- Floatingpoint Instruments
- Focal
- Focusrite
- Forge-TME
- Fostex
- Frap Tools
- Furman
- Future Sound Systems
- Galaxy
- Gamechanger Audio
- Gammalite Systems
- Gator
- Gator Music
- Gemini
- Genelec
- GFI System
- GForce
- Glensound
- Godlyke
- Golden Age
- GoPro
- Greer Amps
- Groove Synthesis
- Grover
- Happy Nerding
- Headliner
- Headrush
- Herbs and Stones
- Herco Guitar
- Hercules
- Hercules Stands
- Heritage Audio
- Hertz
- Hex Inverter
- Hologram Electronics
- Hosa
- Hotone
- iConnectivity
- Ik Multimedia
- Indigisounds
- Industrial Music Electronics
- Industrialectric
- Infinitone
- Initial Audio
- Instruo
- Intech Studio
- Intellijel
- Intuitive Instruments
- Iso Acoutics
- iZotope
- JBL Consumer
- JBL Industries
- JBL Pro
- Jet Pedals
- JHS Pedals
- Jomox
- Jonny Rock Gear
- Joranalogue
- Kala
- Kali Audio
- Keeley Electronics
- Keith McMillen
- Kemper
- Kenton
- Kilohearts
- Kilpatrick
- Kiviak
- Klavis
- Knobula
- Kodamo
- Koma Elektronik
- Konig & Meyer
- Korg
- KRK Systems
- Kuassa
- KV331 Audio
- Landscape
- Lauten Audio
- Leaf Audio
- Leem
- Lewitt Audio
- Lindell
- Line 6
- Liquid Sky
- Loupedeck
- Low-Gain Electronics
- M-Audio
- Mackie
- Maestro
- Magix
- Magma
- Majella Audio
- Make Noise
- Maneco Labs
- Manifold Research Centre
- Manikin
- Mano Mini
- MarioNietoWorld
- Marrantz
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martin Accoustics
- Martinic
- McDSP Plugins
- Medeli
- Melbourne Instruments
- Melda
- Melodyne
- Meng Qi
- Meris
- Metric Halo
- Michigan Synth Works
- Middle Atlantic
- Midi Solutions
- Mighty Bright
- Mile End Effects
- Minimal Audio
- Miso Modular
- MNTRA Instruments
- Modal Electronics
- Modalic
- Modbap Modular
- Modern Sounds
- Mogami
- Molten Modular
- Mono
- Moog Audio
- Moog Music
- Mordax
- Mosaic
- Motu
- Mu-tron
- Muse Kinetics
- Musiclab
- Mutable Instruments
- MXR Pedals
- Mystic Circuits
- myVolts
- Native Instruments
- Neumann
- Neunaber Audio Effects
- Neural DSP
- Neutral Labs
- Neutrik
- Neuzeit Instruments
- New Systems Intruments
- Newfangled
- NOH-Modular
- Noise Engineering
- Norand
- Nord Keyboards
- Novation
- NUGEN Audio
- Numark
- Oberheim
- Obsidian Control
- Odyssey
- Ohmforce
- Old Blood Noise Endeavors
- OLLO Audio
- Omnison
- Omnitone
- Omnitronic
- On Stage
- One Control
- Origin Effects
- Ortofon
- Oto Machines
- Outlaw Effects
- Oxi Instruments
- Patching Panda
- Pedal Train
- Phil Jones
- Piano Marvel
- Pianoteq
- Pigtronix
- Pioneer
- Pioneer DJ
- Pioneer Pro Audio
- Pittsburgh
- Plankton Electronics
- Play Differently
- Playground Sessions
- Playtime Engineering
- Poly effects
- Polyend
- Polyverse
- Positive Grid
- Presonus
- Primacoustic
- ProducerTools.net
- Profile
- Propelleheads
- Propellerhead
- PSP Audioware
- Pure Tone
- Qu-Bit Electronix
- Quanalog Instruments
- Quick Lok
- Radial
- Rainger FX
- Random Source
- Rane
- Rebel Technology
- Recovery Effects
- Red Panda
- Relab
- Reloop
- Reveal Sound
- Ritual Electronics
- Road Ready
- RockBoard
- Rockett Pedals
- RockNRoller
- Rode
- Roland
- Roland AV
- Roli
- Rossum Electro-Music
- Royer
- Ryk Modular
- Sandisk
- Savarez
- Schaller
- Screwed Circuitz
- SE Electronics
- Sennheiser
- Sequential
- Serato
- Shakmat
- Sheeran Looper
- Sherman
- Shik
- Shubb
- Shure
- SimplyInsurance
- SKB Cases
- Slate Digital
- SM Pro Audio
- Snazzy
- Softube
- Solid Gold FX
- Solid State Logic
- SOMA Laboratory
- SonalSystem
- Sonarworks
- Sonible
- Sonicware
- Sonnox
- Sonos
- Sound Particles
- Soundbridge
- Soundcraft
- Soundforce
- Source Audio
- Spaceman Effects
- Squarp Instruments
- Stanton
- Steady State Fate
- Steinberg
- Steven Slate Drums
- Strymon
- Studiologic
- Stylophone
- Sub Decay
- SugarBytes
- Supercritical Synthesizers
- Suzuki
- Synapse Audio
- Synthesis Technology
- SynthRISE
- Synthstrom
- System80
- Tal Software
- Tascam
- TC Electronics
- Technics
- Teenage Engineering
- Teisco
- Tendrils
- The Leech
- Thomas Infield
- ThorpyFX
- Tip Top Audio
- Toadstool Tech
- Tonar
- Torso Electronics
- Tubesteader
- Tula Microphones
- Two Notes
- u-he Software
- UDO-Audio
- Union Audio
- United Studio Technologies
- Universal Audio
- Unknown Devices
- V-Moda
- Venus Instruments
- Verbos Electronics
- Vermona
- Vic Firth
- Vicoustic
- Victrola
- Vongon
- Voodoo Lab
- Waldorf
- Walrus Audio
- Warm Audio
- Wave Arts
- Way Huge
- Winter Modular
- WMD Devices
- Worng Electronics
- Xaoc Devices
- XILS Labs
- XLN Audio
- Xodes
- Xotic
- Yamaha
- YoloLiv
- Zeppelin Design Labs
- ZeroFive Audio
- Ziqal
- Zoom
- ZT Amplifiers
- Zvex